29. Oktober 2014

The failure of animal experiments – an animated educational film

Veröffentlicht am 23.10.2014
English version of the original German film “Irrtum Tierversuch” (http://youtu.be/xxFbQfbxXjI), commissioned by Doctors Against Animal Experiments Germany (http://www.doctors-against-animal-exp...) and produced by www.enigmation.de.

Each year millions of animals suffer and die in the laboratories, and their numbers are increasing. Genetic engineering and basic research in particular use more and more animals. All this is always justified by pointing out at the future benefits for people. But if you take a closer look at these animal experiments, then their benefits look doubtful, because animals are not humans.

The film explains why animal experiments are ethically and scientifically the wrong way of research.

Main Website of Doctors Against Animal Experiments in German: http://www.aerzte-gegen-tierversuche.de

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